Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

~Alternative method of conducting the event due to the Coronavirus crisis~

With the current novel coronavirus-related extraordinary circumstances and in line with the Japanese Government’s announcement of its Coronavirus Basic Policies, ALFS held a special Boards’ Meeting as well as a special Joint Meeting with our member-embassies on March 4, where, we had reached a conclusion to cancel the 2020 Asia-Pacific Festival & Charity Bazaar which was to be conducted on April 9 at the ANA InterContinental Tokyo.

Although it was a difficult decision for all of us to make, especially as we realize many of our member-embassies and other booth-holders had already begun their preparations, we must take in first consideration the safety and health of our members and guests, and at the same time prevent any further spreading of this infectious disease. Thus, we will be cancelling all booth-settings and the ceremony which included performances by the Indonesian and the Indian Embassies at the ANA Hotel.

That being said, as our annual charity bazaar is a very important event necessary to fulfill and uphold our commitment, we have decided to hold a one-off Raffle-ticket Draw as an alternative method of conducting the 2020 Asia-Pacific Festival & Charity Bazaar.

We hope we will be able to share the proceeds among the bazaar-participating member-countries and support, even in a small way, those institutions waiting for our assistance. I therefore hope you will understand the situation and at the same time accept my sincerest apologies for the inconveniences caused.

I would also like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for all your support towards ALFS.

Let us hope this crisis will somehow end very soon. In the meantime, please do take care.

Haruko Komura, ALFS President

Information Regarding Tickets

Re: Raffle-ticket Draw

The prizes will be delivered to the winners after a fair and transparent draw. Details concerning the collection of the stubs will be informed at a later date.

Re: Door Tickets

We will be cancelling any further selling of these tickets. However as for Door Tickets that have already been purchased, they can be either refunded or exchanged for raffle tickets (1 Door Ticket = 4 Raffle Tickets).

Furthermore, please note that selling and purchasing of Raffle Tickets will continue until the end of March.

Please contact the Embassy of the Independent State of Samoa in Japan at 03-6228-3692
for any further inquiries.








令和2年3月4日 一般社団法人 アジア婦人友好会
会長   高村 治子





TEL: 03-6228-2692

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