Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

The Prime Minister Hon. Fiame Naomi Mataafa attended the second High Level segment of the COP27, in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt from the 12-18 November 2022.

The Prime Minister delivered a strong national statement urgently calling for Parties to place the same level of global urgency as seen for the Covid-19 pandemic to meeting the 1.5 degree pathway.

Furthermore she urged for upscaled ambition on climate mitigation, adaptation responses, funding for loss and damage improved access to climate finance and placed emphasis on the climate-ocean nexus.

The COP27 had been coined as the ‘implementation’ COP and many had high hopes that it would build on the progress made through the Glasgow climate pact at COP26. However, little convergence has been witnessed in Sharm el-Sheikh on the key issues for small island states.

There have been intense negotiations amongst Parties particularly on issues relating to climate finance and funding arrangements for a Loss and Damage Response Fund for developing countries that are ravaged by natural disasters as a result of climate impacts.

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